Baromètre des harcèlements 

Baromètre des harcèlements 



In 2021, AACC decided to take stock of all forms of harassment in agencies in order to measure the situation and pilot lasting transformation actions in the sector. The association teamed up with Les Lionnes, a feminist nonprofit from the advertising and communication sector. Leaning on the expertise of a research company (OpinionWay), they launched a poll to gather feedback from employees, to monitor progresses and identify persisting problems. Over an 8 weeks period, advertising professionals working or having worked in agencies in the past 3 years, were invited to answer 30 questions reviewing sexism, harassment, gender equality, pay gap. 

What is innovative about this initiative? 

This study is the first barometer to analyze all forms of harassment (moral, sexist and sexual) in advertising agencies, and probably the first initiative of this kind across any sector. It is also the first time a trade association joined forces with an activist association to try and make durable changes in the industry. 


More than 3,000 professionals responded to the first edition released in 2021, after the #metoo movement hit the French industry. On second edition in 2023, significant improvement emerged from the results. Indicators generally showed positive evolution. While actions taken from agencies still lack visibility, 54% say that their agency have set up a plan to fight harassment and 83% think that gender equality is now treated as an important matter, if not a priority. The barometer appeared as a valuable tool for agencies to engage with their teams as well as clients on improving working conditions.