Diversité & Inclusion website 

Diversité & Inclusion website 



CSR task force within AACC launched a website to raise awareness on diversity and inclusion in agencies and provide them with practical tools. It is designed as a resource center where members and non-members can find guidelines around several topics : gender, disability, LGBT+, multi-cultural, age and social diversity. Each section provides a range of information : glossary, legal information, good practice examples, tools and resources. The website aims to guide this necessary cultural shift in the advertising industry, improve employee’s wellbeing and engagement as well as better social representations within our businesses. 

What is innovative about this initiative? 

This site specifically dedicated to communication agencies is eco-designed and accessible to all. It covers the different subjects in the form of practical sheets, each sheet being divided into four parts: the glossary, a reminder of the law, good practices (with concrete examples of actions implemented in agencies) and tools and resources useful. 


To this date the site has +3500 views and more than 1600 users.