Masterclass: Avoiding the Hero Trap, Building a Transformative Brand

Masterclass: Avoiding the Hero Trap, Building a Transformative Brand

In an over-crowded do-good market, people don’t buy your values or your “why”, but rather who you can help them become.

Instructor:Thomas Kolster



Delivery:Online (Async.)

Course type:Masterclass


In this masterclass, you will learn:

  • How to avoid purpose-washing and find your organisation’s true relevance
  • How to play a more meaningful and authentic role in people’s lives
  • How to create behaviour change at scale and ultimately unlock sales.


  1. Change begins with “who?”: An introduction to the methodology and thinking
  2. Me is the new mass: The mass-production and mass-marketing era is losing its power to the democratisation of everything from businesses to media.
  3. Catalysts of the good life: People don’t buy stuff, they buy a better me. Deliver personal distinction: a gain of knowledge, experience or acquired skills.
  4. Motivation, the untold story: The market is shifting from an experience economy where it’s about value alignment with people to a transformation econ- omy where it’s about making people’s lives better across body and mind.
  5. The arrow towards a better you: We don’t buy what you make or why you make it but WHO you can make me become. Introduction to creating a transformative brand with the tool: The Arrow.
  6. The transformative promise: There’s a market pressure on purpose to evolve from a societal benefit to a tangible outcome for people – a transformative promise.
  7. The WHO void: Most products and services are generic, asking WHO moves the organisation from low interest to high interest as it enables people to achieve their goals. Tools: The WHO void and The People Transformation Canvas.
  8. The business case: Exploring the business case and why transformative campaigns outperform purposeful campaigns
  9. Pass the steering wheel: People are increasingly looking for meaning and participation across the marketing mix from promotion to product. Introduction to the tool: The Wheel – and how to activate transformation across the marketing mix.
  10. The five transformative market forces: Learn how to use The Wheel and innovate across the marketing mix and open up for people’s participation and resources.
  11. A transformative platform: Most marketing activities don’t offer enough opportunities for engagement; never be afraid to open up for people’s creative input and urge to create. Get to know the 8 guidelines for a transformative platform.
  12. The human re-evolution: Painting the bigger picture. Globally increasing living standards and materialism fatigue, combined with digitalisation, automation, robotics and bio- tech, are strengthening the development towards a market driven by self-actualisation.


“Most people don’t want better brands – they want a better life and a better world to enjoy it in. In this masterclass Thomas argues that if organisations want to succeed, they should start with what people need – it’s a great call to action for latent changemakers everywhere!” Joanna Yarrow, Head of Sustainable & Healthy Living, IKEA

“The best way to cut through the marketing BS and put people first” Ynzo van Zanten, Chief Evangelist, Tony’s Chocolonely

About Thomas Kolster:

Thomas Kolster is a frontrunner and one of the most recognised thinkers globally where marketing, business and sustainability meet. He continuously challenges the status-quo with his vocal, and often provocative, views on values, purpose, and leadership. In an over-crowded do-good market, people don’t buy your values or your “why”, but rather who you can help them become. Written two books: Goodvertising & The Hero Trap Delivered keynotes and workshops in +70 markets for clients like Facebook, P&G and IKEA and at conferences such as TEDx, SXSW and Judged top-awards such as Jury President at D&AD and Jury at Cannes Lions. Delivered longer training programs with universities and the likes of Cannes Lions and D&AD.


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