The Global DEI Census 2021
Between June 21st and July 31st 2021, EACA took part in the first-ever global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) census in the marketing and advertising world, meant to assess where the industry is in relation to diversity, equity and inclusion and to analyse people’s perception of DEI in their own workplace.
The initiative built on work already carried out in the UK as part of the All In Initiative with the aim of establishing a tangible baseline for the global industry. This will help inform an action plan for improvement led by WFA’s task force, in which EACA is also participating.
National advertiser associations and their agency association counterparts have participated in the census across a wide variety of countries and territories. The participating European markets in this census were Belgium, France, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.
Findings & Report
Hot Issues
Family status, age and gender, and ethnicity
Initial results from the first-ever Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Census of the global marketing industry have identified key challenges around family status, age and gender as well as ethnicity and disability.
The results are based on more than 10,000 responses from 27 markets around the world conducted in June to July 2021 with the online survey identifying not just the demographics of participants but also their sense of belonging, experience of discrimination and demeaning behaviour.
Despite these serious concerns, the marketing sector still outperformed every other category that has been analysed by research partner Kantar, scoring an overall 64% on the Inclusion Index, ahead of the next highest sector, Health and Pharmaceuticals on 60%.