2023 career resolution: an IPA Certificate

2023 career resolution: an IPA Certificate

The new year has come and so are the 2023 resolutions! Whether you are considering to kick-start a career in advertising or you are looking to learn something new, EACA, in collaboration with the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), offers you 4 exclusive certificates:

The Global Foundation Certificate

Written for the industry, by the industry, using live webinars, online forums, expert videos and podcasts, this is the definitive programme for newcomers who are ambitious to move to the next level. It’s a super-concentrated opportunity to gain an overview of the whole industry with just 30 hours of flexible online learning.

The Effectiveness Essentials Certificate

Primarily aimed at entry-level advertising practitioners in agency and client businesses, however anyone at any level from any department would benefit from the overview of the key thinking, knowledge and practices.
Mid to senior practitioners in effectiveness, planning and strategy with at least 3 years’ experience should embark on the Advanced Certificate in Effectiveness.

The Advanced Certificate in Effectiveness Certificate

No matter the discipline and the side you are on either agency or client-side, if you are involved in the evaluation and development of effective creative work and you are a mid-level planner with at least two to three years’ experience. Then, this Certificate is for you!

The Diversity and Inclusion Essentials Certificate

Want to gain a deep understanding of the challenges we need to overcome and the behaviours we need to change for a more diverse and inclusive advertising industry? 
This qualification will help you to step up and affect positive change in your workplace. Each of the seven modules take an in-depth look at a workplace diversity and inclusion metric. At the end of each module you will receive clear actionable tips and guidelines, whether you are in that group or want to be an active ally for that group.

Discover all certificates and useful info on the Inspire website: https://www.eaca-inspire.eu/certificates/