A call for deep alignment on data protection between EU27 and the UK after Brexit
The European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA), together with other advertising and media associations call on the European Commission to secure a new and positive relationship between the EU and UK following Brexit that will recognise the UK’s deep alignment with the EU on data protection policy. Central to this relationship should be an agreement for the Information Commissioner’s Office to continue to participate fully in the European Data Protection Board.
The statement is released ahead of the European Council discussions on 22 and 23 March on the Brexit transitional period and in light of the 19 January Commission notice to stakeholders on the withdrawal of the UK and EU rules in the field of data protection.
The UK will be in a unique position upon Brexit because the GDPR will be applicable in the UK from 25 May 2018. It will be a positive step forward to capitalise on this in order to ensure minimal disruption for consumers and businesses operating across EU borders.
Advertising and marketing are at the heart of the European economy and play a vital role in driving economic growth. Research shows that every €1 invested in advertising generates €7 to EU GDP, meaning that the €92 billion spent on advertising in 2014 is estimated to have contributed €643 billion to GDP, representing 4.6% of overall EU GDP.
The transfer and use of user data is an essential element in cross-border trade in every sector. European Commission figures show that the data economy was worth almost €300 billion in 2016 and has a projected value of €739 billion by 2020.
Striking such a deal would be vital for the European economy, and in particular for the thousands of businesses that thrive and rely on being able to exchange personal data freely across EU borders.
Download the Industry Statement here.