Christian de La Villehuchet (Havas) in an interview with L’Echo

In a recent interview with Belgian news outlet L’Echo, Christian, CEO of Havas Belgium, shares his “lessons learned” from the crisis. He estimates that business activity has slowed down between 15 and 40% depending on the client. Especially the non-food sector is suffering; automotive, for example, does not invest at all anymore. However, Havas’ activities are 50% digital, therefore the work on long-term projects, platforms and apps can continue. Nevertheless, many employees are on temporary leave.

Christian goes on to share his “lessons learned” from the crisis, which he refers to as the “seven pillars of the new wisdom” (alluding to the book of Thomas Lawrence: “The seven pillars of wisdom”):

  1. Communication among people will be more authentic and human
  2. The role of managers will be to help, support and coach – rather than to impose their views
  3. Solidarity will become a key value
  4. Creativity will be stimulated
  5. Businesses will become more agile and will focus on what is essential
  6. The digital transformation will lead to more homeworking
  7. A new ecological conscience will evolve


The news article (in French) can be found here.

Christian is the Global Integration Office of Havas and CEO of its Belgian branch.