Save the Date: Greenwashing in the UK & EU session

What will the upcoming regulatory frameworks on Green Claims look like in the UK and in the EU and how will they impact agencies?

Join us for a deeper dive into this matter on Tuesday, 30th January at 17h CET during the webinar Greenwashing in the UK & EU (3/3 Q1 Training). In this session hosted by AdNetZero UK, we will be hearing from Justine Grimley, Operations Manager at the ASA, about the dangers of greenwashing and green hushing, environmental claims, the Green Claims Code, and other UK-specific frameworks and guidance on this topic. Alexis Bley, Public Affairs Manager at EACA will offer an EU-specific perspective on the same issues.

If you want to get the link, get in touch with our Comms team: Myriam Seda / Kristine Korkotashvili