Privacy Policy


We are committed to ensure the protection of your Personal Data and your privacy.

About us

EACA is the “European Association of Communications Agencies”, with its business address at Rue Defacqz 78, 2nd Floor, 1060 Brussels. It is registered in Brussels under the number BE 0422.332.060.

EACA provides its membership with advocacy and outreach activities. We initiate, and support thought leadership and industry initiatives, and promote and support education and training activities through Edcom and Inspire. EACA also runs the Effie Awards Europe, the Effie Forum and the IMC European Awards.

In 2007, EACA together with the founding academic partners founded the European Institute for Commercial Communications Education (“Edcom”). The institute strives to promote excellence in commercial communications education and research and to further exchanges between the European commercial communications sector and academic partners.

For all matters related to this Privacy Policy, you can contact:

About this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the personal data (hereafter referred to as  "data") that we collect for the purpose of providing our various services.

The Privacy Policy describes the processing of data that we carry out:

(i) for the Membership and public affairs & outreach- see Section I: “Data processing in connection with Membership, public affairs & outreach"

(ii) for our Education “Inspire” services - see Section II: “Data processing in connection with our Website

(iii) via our Website - see Section III: “Data processing in connection with our Website

(iv) for Recruitment - see Section IV: “Recruitment

Data processing that is common to all sections is grouped under the section V: "Common provisions".

About the terms used

The terms used in the Privacy Policy have the meaning given to them by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter, the "GDPR").

We use any of the terms “we”, “us”, and “our” to refer to EACA and/or Edcom.

We use the terms “Parties” to refer to you and us.

SECTION I: Data Processing in connection with Membership (EACA & Edcom), Public Affairs and Outreach

The purpose of this Section is to inform you about how EACA/Edcom processes the personal data of applicant EACA/Edcom Member Organisations’ contact persons (hereinafter, "Personal Contact Data") within the scope of membership and in the course of our public affairs and outreach activities. The following is a description of the various data processing operations, in which you may possibly be involved

As between the Parties, the member is the data controller of all data provided by the member to us and the member has the right to direct us in connection with processing of such data. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we are data controller for all data that are provided by us to a member during the membership. Each party shall fully comply with its obligations as data controller under the applicable laws in this respect.

Each Party consents that the other Party, in the context of or in connection with membership,  public affairsand outreach, collects, processes, stores, communicates or archives Personal Contact Data (e.g. names, e-mail addresses, position, physical address and telephone numbers), but only to the extent that such collection, processing, storage, communication or archiving will be necessary to perform the membership and/or the public affairs or outreach activities such as inviting you to events, informing you of our annual meeting, Council meetings, invoicing our members, etc.

Each Party shall ensure that any disclosure of Personal Contact Data made by it to the other Party is made with the data subject’s consent or is otherwise lawful.

Each Party guarantees the natural persons concerned by the processing of Personal Contact Data the right to be informed and to have access to the Personal Contact Data concerning them, the right of rectification and deletion, the right to limit and oppose the processing, the right not to be subject to automated data processing intended to define their profile or to evaluate certain aspects of their personality, as well as the right to portability, which shall be strictly understood to mean the Personal Contact Data collected directly from the natural persons concerned. In order to exercise these rights, the natural persons concerned may contact the relevant person in charge for personal data as mentioned in this Privacy Policy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the right to object shall not apply if data are processed pursuant to a legal obligation.

SECTION I: Data Processing in connection with Membership (EACA & Edcom), Public Affairs and Outreach

1.1. The Personal Contact Data collected when you register as a member

EACA/Edcom processes the Personal Contact Data for the purpose of entering into a contract with the respective applicant EACA/Edcom Member Organisation (“Membership”).

The legal basis for such processing is the contractual necessity.

In the case of Edcom, the information relating to this contact person may be included on our website in order to allow our other members and/or students to get in touch with the member.

As part of this processing, we may sometimes use third party applications such as Google Docs/Forms, or other similar applications as the case may be. If you wish to know how your personal data are processed by the editors of these third party applications, we invite you to consult their Privacy Policy, in particular: Google Docs/Forms/Drive under the general Google policy.

1.2. When you subscribe to our Advocacy Newsletter

Our monthly, members-only Advocacy Newsletter is intended only for EACA’s members and has the purpose of informing them about developments in matters relating to EU public affairs.

If a member decides to register to the Advocacy Newsletter, we ask him/her to send us an e-mail and to justify that they indeed work for one of our members. After this verification has been carried out, we will subscribe the member to our Advocacy Newsletter. The data we collect are your name, organisation, and e-mail address.

This data processing is based on the member’s consent. The member will always have the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

To send our Advocacy Newsletter, we use MailChimp in HTML mode through our Outlook email so that no distribution list is uploaded in Mailchimp. MailChimp nevertheless may automatically collect information about your device and interaction with an email you receive. MailChimp is using cookies and other tracking technologies to collect some of this information. From time to time, MailChimp may obtain information about you from third-party sources, such as social media platforms, and third-party data providers. MailChimp’s use of cookies and other tracking technologies is explained in more detail in their Cookie Statement available here. We invite you to refer to it if you would like to obtain more information.

1.3. When you subscribe to our public Newsletter

Our monthly, public Newsletter is intended tokeep members and the wider public informed about EACA’s latest developments/projects, interesting things other members do and about what is happening in terms of events that month.

This data processing is based on your consent. You will always have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before your withdrawal.

To send our public Newsletter, we use MailChimp in which we upload our subscribers’ list. We provide MailChimp with certain contact information or other personal data about you, such as your name, email address, or address . You may have the opportunity to update some of this information by electing to update or manage your preferences via an email you receive from us. MailChimp nevertheless may automatically collect information about your device and interaction with an email you receive. MailChimp is using cookies and other tracking technologies to collect some of this information. From time to time, MailChimp may obtain information about you from third-party sources, such as social media platforms, and third-party data providers. MailChimp’s use of cookies and other tracking technologies is explained in more detail in their Cookie Statement available here. We invite you to refer to it if you would like to obtain more information.

1.4. When you register for a meeting or a video conference

EACA/Edcom will be sending invitations to meetings, video conferences, and communications related to EACA/Edcom events, trainings and meetings.

The legal basis for such processing is the contractual necessity.

When you decide to participate in one of our meetings or events, your data enables us to organize the event. In certain cases, the data may also be communicated to third parties linked to the organisation of the event (e.g. hotel if you book a room through us, or restaurant for your dietary preferences, etc.).

When you decide to participate in one of our videoconferences, we will inform you upfront whether the conference will be recorded for the purpose of making available the recording to members only. By registering for the video conference you expressly consent that you may be recorded.

We may use pictures and videos of you taken during events and post them on our website. Such processing is based on our legitimate interestto promote our activities. If you have a valid reason to object to our legitimate interest, we ask you to contact us and we will then no longer use your personal data in new information material. We will also remove you from already published material wherever possible and/or modify the material so you cannot be identified any longer.

We use third-party technical means of communications for video conferences when organizing video conferences. If you would like to know more about how these third parties handle your personal data, please consult their Privacy Policy, and in particular:


Skype (Microsoft)

Microsoft Teams

1.5. When you receive a questionnaire and/or surveys from us

Based on our legitimate interestsconsisting in improving our services to our members, we may send you questionnaires and/or surveys after a meeting or a video conference. Based on contractual necessity, we may send you questionnaires and/or surveys to enquire about your opinion about certain topics covered in our public affairs or education work.

Responses to these questionnaires will remain confidential and will not be shared with the public, unless we have all members’ express consent.  However, we reserve the right to aggregate all the data received from our members in a non-identifiable manner and to share it with participating members, to enable us to offer benchmarking services to our members or to use the data, including copying, transforming, creating meta-data and generally to take any action on the data that we believe would be useful or in the interest of our members.

As part of this processing, we may sometimes use third party applications such as Survey Monkey, Google Docs/Forms, etc. If you wish to know how your personal data are processed by the editors of these third-party applications, we invite you to consult their Privacy Policy at the following address:


Google Docs/Forms/Drive under general Google policy

1.6. How does EACA/Edcom store personal data and who can access it?

EACA/Edcom maintains an automated record of each Member’s data.  This automated record contains most of the data held in the Member’s file.  Additionally, EACA maintains data in various digital documents, namely event attendee lists and meeting records and minutes.

The persons and entities that can have access to your data are:

  • All EACA/Edcom staff based in the offices in Brussels;
  • External professional services, such as IT systems providers (EACA/Edcom online domain/website hosting supplier, its database software supplier);
  • In the case of event organisation, the co-organiser and event agency for the sole purpose of organising an event you have registered to;

Third party service providers, as our processors, only hold and use data on our behalf in order to provide us with a service.  We may also disclose personal data to our professional advisors and experts in order to obtain their assistance in carrying out our services and our activities.

Where EACA/Edcom engages a third-party processor to process data on its behalf, such as those listed above, EACA/Edcom will delegate such processing in writing, will choose a processor that provides sufficient guarantees with respect to technical and organisational security measures governing the relevant processing, and will obligate the processor to act on EACA/Edcom’s behalf and under EACA/Edcom’s instructions.  In addition, EACA/Edcom will impose in writing appropriate data protection and information security requirements on such third-party processors.

1.7. Data retention

EACA/Edcom will retain the Personal Contact Data for the duration of the contract with the respective EACA/Edcom Member Organisation in accordance with applicable legal requirements, and only for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this Policy or as long as required by law or to defend potential legal claims.

EACA/Edcom will retain your Personal Contact Data as follows:

  • Communications: Personal Data will be kept until you withdraw your consent;
  • Event booking: for 1 year after the event, unless you withdraw your consent to the processing of your Personal Data earlier;
  • Information, enquiries and services: for 1 year, unless you withdraw your consent to the processing of your Personal Data earlier;
  • Photographs/videos: Personal Data will be kept until you validly object to our legitimate interest to process your personal data;

EACA/Edcom will retain your Personal Contact Data in accordance with applicable legal requirements, and only for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this Policy, as indicated above or as long as required by law or to defend potential legal claims.

SECTION II: Data Processing in connection with EDUCATION

The purpose of this Section is to inform you about how we process your data when you attend to our Summer School, to the IPA Foundation Certificate or when you compete to AdVenture or Thesis competition.

2.1. When you register to our Summer School

When you register to our Summer School, in addition to your contact data, we kindly ask you to provide us with your CV and motivation letter since places for our Summer School are limited and we have to make a selection of the most suitable candidates.

The processing of your personal data is necessary to allow us to identify you and to communicate with you.

The legal basis for such processing is the contractual necessity.

2.2. When you register to the IPA Certificate

We collect information on you when you apply to join to the IPA Certificate or on the individual you authorise to participate if you are one of our members that purchases courses. In this latter case, you will notify the concerned individual that you will share their personal information in order to issue registration details and carry out other administrative tasks related to the course.

The processing of data is necessary to allow us to identify you, to communicate with you and to verify you correspond to the criteria set to be able to participate in the IPA Certificate, to deal with cancellation, deferral, or re-sit requests, as the case may be.

The legal basis for such processing is the contractual necessity.

Once we have received payment for the course(s), we will send your name and e-mail address to the UK-based Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (“IPA”), which is developer and owner of the course, for the purpose of administering the course, and the IPA will then send the e-mail registration details to you. You will need to review and agree to the IPA’s website terms and conditions of use and any applicable course policy prior to accessing and viewing the course and any study materials on the IPA website.

If you do not provide the information required or if you give us incomplete or incorrect information, we may end the contract as foreseen under the applicable terms and conditions. We will not be responsible for a delay in the provision of the course if this is caused by you not giving us the information we need with reasonable time of us asking for it.

In case of cancellation, deferral, or re-sit requests, please note that you will need to supply us with reasonable extenuating circumstances alongside proof/notice of absence from work, and that this must be validated by your HR/manager.

If you need further information on how the IPA treats your personal information, please see their Privacy Policy.

2.3. When you compete in Ad Venture or the Thesis Competition

When you participate in AdVenture or in the Thesis competition, you will be asked to communicate personal data when you register/ apply to the competition. The processing of your personal data is necessary to allow us to identify you, to communicate with you and to verify you correspond to the criteria set to be able to participate in our competitions, or to give you a prize in case you win. The legal basis for such processing is contractual necessity.

The names of the participants and their universities may be made public on our website and/or via social media. Such processing is based on our legitimate interestto promote our activities. If you have a valid reason to object to our legitimate interest, we ask you to contact us and we will then no longer use your personal data in new information material. We will also remove you from already published material wherever possible and/or modify the material so you cannot be identified any longer.

2.4. When you apply as Edcom Member for an Accreditation in Commercial Communication Education

When, as Edcom’s member, you apply for an Accreditation in Commercial Communication Education, you will need to complete a form in which Personal Contact Data will be required.

The legal basis for such processing is the contractual necessity.

As part of this processing, we may sometimes use third party applications such as Google Docs/Forms, etc. If you wish to know how your personal data are processed by the editors of these third-party applications, we invite you to consult their Privacy Policy at the following address:

Google Docs/Forms/Drive under general Google policy

In order for us to be able to issue certificates to students who have successfully completed the programme, for which you have been accredited, you will need to provide us with a list of these students. The information we receive will not be used for any purpose other than the issuance of a certificate.

In this respect, we act as processor and you as data controller. In this capacity, it is your responsibility to inform the students of how their data will be processed.

2.5. When you subscribe to the EACA Training (Inspire by EACA) Newsletter

Our EACA Training (Inspire by EACA) Newsletter has for purpose to inform you about the launch of new projects and events (registration, deadlines, modalities, etc.), to update you on ongoing projects, to request your feedback, etc.

If you decide to subscribe to our EACA Training (Inspire by EACA) newsletter, the personal data we collect are your e-mail address, organisation (if applicable), first and last name.

This data processing is based on your consent. You will always have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

To send our EACA Training (Inspire by EACA) Newsletter, we use MailChimp. MailChimp may collect automatically information about your device and interaction with an email you receive. MailChimp is using cookies and other tracking technologies to collect some of this information. From time to time, MailChimp may obtain information about you from third-party sources, such as social media platforms, and third-party data providers. MailChimp use of cookies and other tracking technologies can be found in more detail in their Cookie Statement available here . We invite you to refer to it if you would like more information.

2.6. Data retention

EACA/Edcom will retain the personal data  for the duration of the contract with the respective EACA/Edcom Member Organisation or, as the case may be, with the student in accordance with applicable legal requirements, and only for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this Policy or as long as required by law or to defend potential legal claims.

SECTION III: Data Processing in connection with our WEBSITE

This Section of our Privacy Policy applies to your use of EACA’s website, including all its sub-pages (collectively referred to as “Website”). We use this Section to explain our online information practices.

EACA is the data controller for this Website under the GDPR.

3.1. Consent

By using our Website, you agree to the conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you no longer accept our Privacy Policy, you must cease using the EACA/Edcom’s Website.

If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on this page to keep you informed of the information we collect, how we collect, use, store, transfer, or otherwise process this information, whether or not the information is shared with other parties, and the rights you have regarding the processing of such data.

3.2. What Data do we collect about you?

3.2.1. The personal data that we collect directly from you when using our website

This is the personal data that you voluntarily communicate to us:

(i) through our Website when you contact us via, or any of the other e-mails provided under  We use your data in order to be able to contact you and respond to your requests for information or assistance and to satisfy your requests.  The legal basis of the processing is your consent.

(ii) when you wish to join our team and send us your CV to our respective department’s e-mail address (as mentioned in the job ad). We use your data in accordance with our Recruitment Privacy Policy-see section IV“Recruitment”.

(iii) When you contact us for assistance or contact our various services by telephone, you may be asked to provide us with information about yourself, the nature of your call and other information to answer subsequent questions. In this case, your data are used to respond to your requests for information or assistance.

EACA/Edcom processes your data only to the extent necessary for the purposes for which it was obtained.

(iv) when you subscribe to one of our newsletters. Please refer to sections 1.2. and 2.5. of this Privacy Policy for further details.

3.2.2. The data we collect when you interact with the Website


Read our full Cookie policy here.

Our Website uses "cookies". By using the Website, you agree to receive cookies on your computer, tablet or smartphone. It is thanks to cookies that we can offer you optimal navigation on our Site (for example, they help us to remember your preferences since your last visit).

Cookies used on our Website perform two functions:

(a) Essential cookies, are essential for the operation of our Website and subpages, including

  • Session cookies – they are used to maintain the user session open in the browser and expire when you close your browser.

We recommend you not to disable these cookies, as this may affect your browsing experience.

(b) Performance and analytics cookies (Google Analytics), are used by us to understand how visitors use our Website so we can  optimize your browsing experience. More information Google Analytics can be found under “social plug-ins”.

You can prevent cookies from being installed on your browser by changing your browser settings so that cookies from this website cannot be placed on your computer or mobile device.

Social plug-ins

When you visit our online pages within a platform, a social network (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, …) or third-party websites, you are also subject to the privacy policies and terms and conditions of these platforms, social networks and third-party websites. We recommend you also read their privacy policies and terms and conditions. They could also use cookies.

In certain circumstances, our Website and our applications will provide you with social plug-ins from different social networks. If you choose to interact with a social networking site such as Facebook or Twitter (for example, by registering an account), your activity on our Website or through our applications will also be accessible on that social networking site. If you are connected to one of these social networks during your visit to our Site or if you interact with one of the social plug-ins, the social network site may add this information to your respective profile on that network depending on your privacy settings. If you wish to prevent this type of data transfer, please log out of your social network account before accessing our Site, or change the privacy settings of the application, if possible. Please read the privacy policies of those social networks for detailed information about the collection and transfer of personal information, your rights and how you can obtain satisfactory privacy settings.






Google Analytics

We monitor non-personal data via Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web analysis service of Google Ireland Limited that analyses how users interact with the site. On behalf of EACA/Edcom and based on your consent. Google uses this information to report on website activity, which allows us:

  • To analyse how our website is used and assess how its functionality and your browsing experience can be improved
  • For example, we monitor the website traffic, the number of page visits per site, the number of downloads of documents on our website, etc.

We use the IP anonymization in order to ensure anonymous collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking). The IP address transmitted by your browser in the context of Google Analytics is not merged with other Google data.  Personal data will be transferred to the US by Google using Model Contract Clauses. The data is automatically deleted after 14 months.

SECTION IV: Recruitment 

This Section describes the manner in which EACA/Edcom collect and use applicant's data as part of its recruitment process.

By applying to EACA/Edcom, you acknowledge and declare that you have read and accepted this Privacy Policy and thus agree to the collection, storage, use and processing of your data by EACA/Edcom for the purposes of application management, recruitment and hiring as detailed below.

4.1. Processing purpose

EACA/Edcom collects, stores, uses and processes the data that the applicant provides only for the purpose of managing his or her recruitment process.

The data provided are used for the purposes of managing the application, evaluating the applicant before making an offer of employment, contacting the applicant during processing, sending her/ him advertisementsfor another position that she/he might be interested in, answering questions and/or requesting additional information.

As data controller, EACA/Edcom undertakes to respect the principle that the candidate is the sole owner of the data that is collected and processed and to process this data in a transparent, confidential and secure manner.

4.2. Data collection

The EACA/Edcom recruitment process can be initiated in two ways:

- an application to an open position, or

- an unsolicited application.

In both cases, the candidate agrees to have his/her profile included in the EACA/ Edcom database and accessible to the EACA/ Edcom recruitment service.

Personal data provided to EACA/Edcom must be accurate and complete. The transmission of any inaccurate, false or incomplete information may result in the rejection of the application. To this end, EACA/ Edcom may check the qualifications indicated in the CVs and collect professional references from candidates (trainee supervisor, manager, etc.).

4.3. Type of personal data

The personal data which EACA/Edcom is required to process are limited to the data necessary to assess the suitability of the applicant's abilities for the profile required for the posts which are open.

Personal data include, but are not limited to, the following in particular:

- Identification data (surname, first name(s), date and place of birth, nationality, gender);

- Contact details (postal and email address, telephone number);

- Personal life data (hobbies and interests, driving license category,...);

- Your photo, if you decide to communicate one;

- Professional life data (profile, data on previous employers, termination of last jobs and work done, special projects,...), including reference checks if you have provided them in your CV (which means that you have consented to us contacting these references);

- Information relating to your training (diplomas, certificates, traineeships, special training,...);

- Language skills;

- Any other personal data you provide in your application relating to the performance of the duties;

- Digital evaluation via social networks, insofar as this presence is accessible to us;

- Any other personal data (other than those mentioned above) that may require processing under the law.

It is EACA/Edcom's policy not to request sensitive data from candidates. Therefore, EACA/Edcom requires candidates not to provide sensitive data such as ethnic origin, political opinions, religious/philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health or sexual orientation in their application, EXCEPT where required by the law of a country to do so in order to fill a position with EACA/Edcom. In the latter case, you would be informed and would have to give your express consent.

4.4. Legal basis

The legal basis on which EACA/EDCOM processes applicants' data is their consent. However, the applicant is free to withdraw this consent at any time by sending an email to the e-mail addressed used for the purpose of the application.

Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing operation based on the consent given prior to such withdrawal.

4.5. Data retention

EACA/Edcom will retain your job applications data for one (1) year after the end of the recruitment process so that we may contact you if another position becomes available in which you might be interestedunless you withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data earlier.

SECTION V: Common provisions

5.1. Confidentiality and Security 

EACA/Edcom’s employees or any of EACA/Edcom’s contractual partners who have access to your data in order to provide services to EACA/Edcom (e.g. its online domain/website hosting supplier, its database software supplier) are contractually obliged to keep such information in confidence and may not use these data for any other purpose than performing their contractual missions for EACA/Edcom.

We will not disclose, sell, rent or exchange your personal data to any other organization or entity unless you are first notified and you expressly agree to it, or as otherwise required by law e.g. doing what a local or foreign court or government agency requires us to do, disclosing Personal Data to another company if we are or may be selling, assigning, or otherwise transferring all or any part of our business or merging with another company.

We maintain reasonable physical, electronic, standard security practices, including encryption, passwords and physical security measures, and managerial procedures to protect the security and confidentiality of personal data. Only a limited number of persons within us are authorized to access, delete or modify your data. We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that your privacy interests are protected.

EACA/Edcom stores your data safely and, therefore, EACA/Edcom maintains appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and/or against accidental loss, alteration, disclosure or access, or accidental or unlawful destruction of or damage to personal data.

Only a limited number of persons within our organisation are authorized to access, delete or modify your data. These measures are aimed at ensuring the on-going integrity and confidentiality of personal data.  EACA/Edcom evaluates these measures on a regular basis to ensure the security of the processing.

5.2. Subcontractors

We may need to share your data with our affiliates and/or third party acting as our subcontractor for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy and in compliance with GDPR.  We confirm that such transfer and process are performed in compliance with GDPR.

5.3. What are your rights?

To the extent required by applicable law and subject to legal limitations, you have the right:

  • to have access to your data;
  • to have inaccurate data corrected or removed,
  • to object to the processing of your data;
  • to restrict EACA/Edcom’s use of your data;
  • to the erasure of your data;
  • to receive your data in a usable electronic format and transmit it to a third party (right to “data portability”); and
  • to lodge a complaint with theirlocal data protection authority

In particular, EACA/Edcom is committed to working with you to obtain a fair resolution of any complaint or concerns about privacy.  If, however, you believe that EACA/Edcom has not been able to assist with your complaint or concern, you have the right to make a complaint with the competent EU Member State authority.

If you have any questions or wishes in connection with your personal data or you want to exercise your rights, please contact EACA/Edcom by sending an e-mail to

5.4. Transfer outside the EU

The persons and companies to whom we may disclose personal data for any of the above reasons may be located in Belgium or in other countries. These other countries might not have laws that provide the same level of data protection as the GDPR. However, those persons or companies must agree to protect any personal data we give them from improper use and disclosure. We will secure appropriate contractual guarantees from such persons or companies’ service providers to ensure equivalent level of protection to personal data, as required by the GDPR.

5.5. Applicable law and jurisdiction 

Any dispute arising from or related to the use of this website or to the acceptance, interpretation or observance of the Privacy Policy shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Court of Brussels which shall apply Belgian law.

5.6. How to contact us?

For privacy-related enquiries:

For general enquiries:

5.7. Notice updates

In case of any material changes to the way in which EACA/Edcom collects or uses Personal Data, the type of Personal Data it collects or any other aspect of this Policy, EACA/Edcom will issue a revised Policy.