VIA One on One 

VIA One on One 

VIA Netherlands 


To empower women we supported them to share experiences and learnings. Mentoring often has a major positive impact on women’s career development and was founded on the belief ‘you can’t become what you can’t see’. We asked female leaders to give 2 hours of time on International womensday and we shared the memo amongst our members. Women could sign up with a motivation/help question and we made the matches. A few days before International Womensday they’ve got introduced to each other with a given time slot. If they would meet in in RL or Online was up to them! 

What is innovative about this initiative? 

When do you have the opportunity to have a One On One with impressive female leaders from our industry? To ask them for business coaching and how they’ve handled obstacles in their career? This is a very simple and unique way of connection our members. Little effort and maybe for some big results! Sometimes all you need is some insides and learn from each others experiences. Besides it helps to build a New Girls Network the opposite of Old boys network 😉 


Not measured last year. Unfortunately. We will measure this year!